The most easterly of the Greek islands and the largest of the Dodecanese (12 islands) chain, Rhodes is everything you want to enjoy about Greece. Indeed, if you can only ever afford the time to come to one place in Greece, make sure it’s this one.
It’s history dates back to antiquity and, like everywhere else in the ‘middle sea’ (Mediterranean) it shows influences from the Dorian era right through Persian, Athenian, Roman, Crusader, Venetian and Ottoman times plus a whole lot more. Its fame spread in antiquity due to the fabulous ‘Colossus of Rhodes’, a statue in tribute to Helios, the sun God, that supposedly stood 33m tall (approx. the same as the Statue of Liberty from top to toe). Built in 280 BCE it was one of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World.

Rhodes has attracted visitors since medieval times when the Knights of St. John, bankers to royalty, major religious orders and crusaders, set up their base following the sack of Jerusalem in 1291. Essentially the Knights Hospitaler controlled Rhodes from 1310 until 1522 and the wonderful architecture of the old town (now a UINESCO World Heritage site) is still redolent with their footsteps.
Rhodes Town, in the north of the island, is the perfect combination of the old, the new and traditional Greek island life. You can drink ouzo in a fisherman’s cafe or drink cocktails in a chic bar whilst ‘people-watching’, eat in waterfront tavernas or sophisticated restaurants then chill out in a jazz club or to bouzouki music. This far east in the Mediterranean the weather is warm, and the nights are hotter.
Further south, Lindos with its stunning 9th century BCE Acropolis, is hotter still. If you want to climb the 250 steps to the top, best go early in the morning – although you can ride up on a donkey. Then, if you go down to the beach, be prepared for temperatures that often approach 40º C. It’s a great place to stay and slow down to a snail’s pace with a bit of a boho vibe.
All around the island are brilliant beaches washed by the blue Aegean. Inland there are some stunning spectacles – none more so than the Valley of the Butterflies where, for large parts of every summer, the air is filled with murmurations of Jersey Tigers – technically a day flying moth. It’s a lovely verdant place with lots of running water to keep you cool and a natural history spectacle worthy of a David Attenborough programme.

Further south, Lindos with its stunning 9th century BCE Acropolis, is hotter still. If you want to climb the 250 steps to the top, best go early in the morning – although you can ride up on a donkey. Then, if you go down to the beach, be prepared for temperatures that often approach 40º C. It’s a great place to stay and slow down to a snail’s pace with a bit of a boho vibe.
All around the island are brilliant beaches washed by the blue Aegean. Inland there are some stunning spectacles – none more so than the Valley of the Butterflies where, for large parts of every summer, the air is filled with murmurations of Jersey Tigers – technically a day flying moth. It’s a lovely verdant place with lots of running water to keep you cool and a natural history spectacle worthy of a David Attenborough programme.
We offer a range of hotels, in all of the most popular resorts on Rhodes, mostly of 4 and 5-star quality. Wherever you want to stay talk to us and we can book your hotel at our specially negotiated contract rates.
Rhodes is an island of many and varied attractions and we have a wide range of guided excursions to show you everything that is best about it: